Businesses are being discreetly advised by ministers on how to get people back to work in the coming days and weeks amid growing concerns over the economic impact of the lock-down.

The Government believes there is plenty of room within the existing restrictions for more people to be working and is now actively encouraging firms to reopen.

With this news businesses are now in the process of implementing their back to work strategy with the primary focus on employee well-being and duty of care, the following 5 key points are now under review to roll out as across all UK businesses within the next 28 days as the governments’ focus turns to restarting the UK Economy with a back to work action plan.

A back to Work Well-being Essential Strategy for all businesses should include:

  • Facemasks 3ply (Non-Healthcare Essential)
  • Hand Sanitizer – Carry on person, Communal and Refillable
  • Desk / Keyboard Sanitizer
  • Deep clean of all office areas before employees return, then ongoing week to week (12 weeks) to be carried out by a contractor or in-house with the adequate cleaning solutions.
  • Remote working for 50% of employees to ensure social distancing continues.

It came as the chief medical officer said there was now “scope for manoeuvre” to ease some restrictions soon as the transmission rate of the virus is now within a manageable range.

By Brian